Sunday, August 5, 2012

Bob's Onion. Yesterday Bob said he had a gift for me. He jumped up and ran over with the largest onion, I think, in the world.He said it was for every tear he would have when our family moves away. When he was a bus driver and had to trade routes the bus all signed a giant onion and told him it was for all the tears they would shed when he left their route. It touched him and he never forgot it. He looked hard to find it. To give portion to it's size I took a picture next to Luke's head and Jaden's foot. You can also see it takes Jaden holding like a pumpkin. It was the size of a small pumpkin. When we go we will never look at  an onion the same. It was special seeing him hold his sweethearts hand and sharing his love for her. Also hearing brother Dolder talk about his love for his sweet angel wife Mary.

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